HomeBlogInstagram MarketingProven Strategies for Increasing Engagement on Your Instagram Posts

Proven Strategies for Increasing Engagement on Your Instagram Posts

It’s one thing to post random, shocking videos on Instagram. You can get a reaction, both negative and positive.

High-quality images, brand voice, and product tags are important to small businesses creating successful Instagram content.

Instagram Marketing
10 Proven Strategies for Increasing Engagement on Your Instagram Posts

However, if you really want to create engaging content for your Instagram account, you need to learn how to come up with an Instagram advertising strategy to make sure your efforts pay off.

Instagram Calls To Action: Comment below, send to a friend, share your story, tag a friend who… and click the link in my bio.

Why Engagement Matters on Instagram

Some people use Instagram just to surprise people and get attention. They may not have real goals on how to monetize their posts by gaining followers. However, that is usually one of the objectives: to make money.

Making a profit is not the only reason to seek engagement on Instagram. You can use engagement posts to show your face and make yourself known to the world. It’s also a great place to promote a cause that interests you.

This naturally increases your exposure and engagement and can make you popular, increase click-through rates, and get people to buy what you sell.

How The Algorithm Works

All social media platforms work a little differently when deciding what content will grace a person’s social feed.

These days, most platforms have stopped displaying posts in chronological order and are now relying on an algorithm, or in the case of Instagram, algorithms, to display their users’ content in their feed, which will keep them in the Instagram app for longer.

For example, if a user engages with beauty content, they are more likely to see more beauty content in their Instagram feed. This also applies to specific accounts. If a user frequently interacts with the same accounts, those accounts are more likely to appear in their feed. Instagram compares a user’s activity to a post’s relevance (decided by factors like metadata and trending topics) to decide where it falls in a feed.

The fact that these algorithms are frequently modified is the most crucial fact to understand. This means that while today you may know how to create content that will be promoted by algorithms, tomorrow it may be different. Pay attention to any modifications and make any necessary adjustments to your content to maintain strong engagement rates.

10 Tips To Increase Engagement

Although Instagram algorithms change, there are ways to increase engagement regardless.

Include a Call To Action

It’s hard to increase engagement if you shoot a bunch of random videos and don’t tell your viewers and listeners why you’re showing them the content you’re showing. They may not respond at all, or if they do, it may be to ask why you raised the issues you raised in the first place.

They could also simply ask: “And your point is…???” They don’t know why you’re using Instagram to show off your items, which is why this is happening. It’s time to give them a reason to watch your videos and take action.

You can add a call to action, such as “contact me for more information” or “learn more about this topic here.” You can add them as overlays or as links in a description. You can also provide information only at the end of the video recording.

However you choose to display your call to action, it will have an effect on your viewers. Without that CTA, they may have no idea what to do after watching (or listening to) your videos.

Another type of call to action you could add is “like and follow” because this keeps them engaged and coming back to your channel. Following that, you can pique their interest with a soft sale, another call to action that doesn’t scream “buy it now.”

Either way, the Instagram algorithm won’t detect that you have something to evaluate if you don’t organize your thoughts. So you need to make sure you end them with a CTA related to the topic of your video.

Hold Contests or Giveaways

Nobody can help but want to triumph in a competition. It doesn’t need to be a pricey award. Some individuals would even agree to do it in exchange for a $5 gift card to their preferred coffee shop.

If not, maybe you could run a content contest, asking people to show a video that they could put on your channel, and you can choose winter. You can also pick people at random using sweepstakes software. Or you can pick names at random from a spreadsheet after they sign up.

It is also possible to create automated contests. These guys will pick the winners at the close of the contest without you being there, and the prizes or money will be mailed or sent electronically.

Because you can make the entry requirement an activity, like tagging friends in the comments on articles or sharing it to your Stories, contests are a terrific way to grow your following. In this way, the person does not have to pay anything to participate and your account can increase their audience.

Try Collaborations

It may be challenging to attempt it alone. Sometimes two people can achieve more than one person.

If you’re friends with a popular follower, you can ask them to collaborate with you on an Instagram collaboration.

If you find someone to join you in Collab, it can inspire new ideas for participation. You can also increase your likes, shares and followers.

Respond To Comments

Engagement is a two-way conversation. When Page visitors comment on your Instagram posts, respond as soon as possible.

Make sure you have push notifications set up so that you receive any new messages immediately. This will allow you to see those messages as soon as possible. Building relationships with potential clients can be facilitated by responding to comments.


It can take a while to build a following when you go live on Instagram. However, just a video that someone notices can go viral. This could lead to more popular videos. After that, Instagram users usually increase fan engagement.

Live streaming shows viewers that you really are yourself. After all, it’s hard to fake a live video, even if it’s possible. However, when you do, don’t be too embarrassed. Unless you want others to make fun of you and think you’re ridiculous, that is.

It is important to have an action plan before launching it. For example, do you want to be serious or funny? Do you want to educate or entertain?

It is also important to have some topics in mind that you want to talk about beforehand. You can do this even if you are not going to prove what you say.

Use Different Formats

People get bored easily. I’m always on the hunt for the next best video, reel, image, meme, and more. Why not occasionally present them with content in a new format to surprise them?

For example, you can show them a funny video of what your pet did one day if it belongs to your brand. Then you could add an inspirational quote about family. At another time, you may need to post a video presentation on how to create a particular craft.

In this sense, it is important to use all the social networking tools that you have at your disposal. For example, you should look at Instagram analytics of your posts to see what resonates with your followers.

It is also wise to research website analytics and engagement of what other people are posting and find out which ones are the most popular. As a reminder, don’t do this to copy or steal someone else’s brand, but to be inspired as you develop your own.

You will still have to create your own character, or you will be considered a copycat. However, you know what your competitors are doing on Instagram, so you know what works and what doesn’t. You may also want to get help from the creative wizard tool to beautify and personalize each post you create.

Work With Influencers

An influencer is someone who is already popular on Instagram. They usually have an established personality and represent themselves as their own brand, or represent a company, products, or services.

It can take some time to attract the right influencer. When you locate the proper person to promote your posts, the wait is generally worthwhile. If that person has enough attraction with your audience, it is a way to gain the trust of the audience and increase your following.

A word of caution when looking for an influencer: don’t push too hard, or it may look unnatural. Also, don’t try to create fake accounts by pretending that an influencer has endorsed you.

Also, you shouldn’t be paying them to pretend to like what you post on Instagram if they don’t know you. However, it is possible to continue to interact on influencer pages and get noticed that way. If not, some influencers may volunteer to hire you, which can be a profitable PR move for them.

Take Your Audience Behind The Scenes

Let them know some of the personal aspects of your story, not just your business.

You can also invite your audience to see you behind the scenes, on video recordings, or while living life. Show them some of the authenticity you need to see to understand that you are human like them without going overboard.

Create Powerful Infographics

Infographics allow you to communicate effectively without having to put your face forward. However, you could also consider creating whiteboard infographics while recording your screen. Otherwise, draw shapes by hand while making your Instagram speech.

Traditional infographics work on Instagram too. You don’t have to be present at them for them to be effective. Find the facts that support the cause you want to champion and the truth you want to confirm, and create your own infographic or publish one that you think fits your story.

You can also create infographics that include multiple images, each highlighting a different fact. This gives your audience the opportunity to share the facts that resonate with them the most.

Be Authentic With Your Brand

Again, one of the worst ways to destroy your reputation is to try to copy someone else. That doesn’t mean you can’t share what others post to your account. However, if you try to be someone you’re not, you risk ruining yourself.

Don’t force yourself to act a certain way because you believe it would increase your popularity. You can start a temporary lift. However, people will eventually understand through you if you are not authentic to your brand.

Get your identity. Don’t try to sponge someone else. The exception might be if you add something of value that another Instagram user hasn’t already said. People seek out those who are original to follow.

Engage Your Audience on Instagram

You’ll never know for sure how well your user-generated content will perform until you test it.

However, you shouldn’t blindly post without researching compelling ideas. Learn how to A/B test before running a full Instagram campaign.

You must first be willing to work with and engage with your audience through your posts and content if you want them to engage with you.

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